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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

scandisk your windows from outside windows

do you ever bump into situation where you can't log on into windows xp even from safe mode? or getting blue screen? you suspect you have a hard drive error. Here's a simple step do do scandisk and repair. all you need is an XP cd and a working cd-rom/dvd-rom drive.

1. put that disk in your cd-drive and boot your computer from that. make sure to change the boot device order before hand.
2. wait for the whole process until it stopped. at that screen, you are given few options: to install windows or to do repairing
3. choose option 'r' to go into recovery console. in the console, you will be asked to choose which windows installation (if you only have 1 windows installation, input 1 and hit enter. after that, you will be prompted with admin's password. after correctly giving the passowrd, you will be given access to the recovery console.
4. From there, type chkdsk /r and hit enter to start the scandisk and repairing process. wait until it finish and type exit to quit the recovery console and restart your windows.

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